Confident appearance thanks to FOKUS Business English

Ordering a beer in a London pub is one thing. Conducting negotiations for the company in English is quite another. With a course in Business English, we make you fit for these and other tasks in everyday international business life.

Today's business world is unimaginable without English, it is the number one language of communication. However, in the most diverse situations of business life, one often quickly reaches one's linguistic limits. Business English and school English have very little in common.

We offer a wide range of Business English courses. Our Basic Business English courses help you to build or refresh your general language skills. Speaking skills, vocabulary expansion, reading and listening comprehension are trained, taking into account department specific vocabulary or general business language. Specific course modules prepare you for business phone calls or writing e-mails. And when you use your Business English after a meeting course, not only your business partners will be impressed, but also your boss.

FOKUS Business English - so that you cut a fine figure on the international stage.