Förderprogramm Bildungsscheck NRW
For further information please click on the logo or contact us:
Phone 0201 / 177 88 80
Mail: info.essen@fokussprachen.com
Get support in NRW for the vocational qualification/further training of people with uncertain job market opportunities
Overview and Objectives
With the education voucher, employees and companies receive a grant of up to € 500 /person, max. 50% of the training costs. The NRW State Government finances this subsidy from the European Social Fund (ESF), the other half is borne by the company (in the case of access to the company) or the employees (in the case of individual access) themselves. Selected local counselling centres provide advice on the choice of the appropriate continuing education programme and issue the education voucher.
Funding is provided for further training courses that serve to provide vocational qualification or post-qualification and impart specialist skills or key qualifications. These include language courses, for example. Excluded from funding are purely job-related qualifications such as training for new product launches.
Employees in the public sector are not eligible.