• Korean
  • Japanese
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Portugese
  • French
  • Turkey
  • Spanish


소그룹 독일어 강좌

최대 8명

언제든지 시작 가능

모든 레벨

무료 체험 수업

온라인 혹은 슈투트가르트 현장 수업

주 2회, 각 90분: 월 200유로

여기를 클릭하여 더 많은 독일어 정보를 얻으세요

무료 체험 신청 이메일 보내기:info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com












تعلم اللغة الألمانية في مجموعة صغيرة

حد أقصى 8 أشخاص

ابدأ في أي وقت

جميع المستويات

درس تجريبي مجاني

فصل افتراضي أو شخصي في شتوتغارت

مرتين في الأسبوع، كل مرة لمدة 90 دقيقة: 200 يورو في الشهر

:info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.comرسل لنا بريدًا إلكترونيًا للحصول على درس تجريبي مجاني.









给我们发电子邮件以获取您的免费试课 : :info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com


Impara il tedesco in un piccolo gruppo:

Massimo 8 persone

Inizia in qualsiasi momento

Per tutti i livelli

Lezione di prova gratuita!

Lezioni online o in presenza a Stoccarda-Möhringen

Lezioni di 90 minuti ciascuna, due volte a settimana al prezzo di 200€ mensili

Inviaci una mail per fissare la tua lezione di prova gratuita info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com


Изучайте немецкий язык в небольшой группе

Максимум 8 человек

Начните в любое время

Все уровни

Бесплатный пробный урок

Виртуальный класс или лично в Штутгарте

2 раза в неделю, по 90 минут: 200 евро в месяц

Для участия в бесплатном пробном уроке напишите нам на адрес



Aprenda alemão em um grupo pequeno

Máximo de 8 pessoas

Aula experimental gratuita

Todos os níveis

Sala de aula virtual ou presencial em Stuttgart

2 vezes por semana, 90 minutos cada: 200 € por mês

Envie-nos um e-mail para sua aula experimental gratuita: info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com


Apprenez l'allemand en petit groupe

Maximum 8 personnes

Commencez à tout moment

Tous niveaux

Cours d'essai gratuit Salle de classe virtuelle ou en personne à Stuttgart

2x 90 minutes par semaine : 200,- € par mois

Envoyez-nous un e-mail pour votre cours d'essai gratuit : info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com


Küçük bir grup içinde Almanca öğrenin

En fazla 8 kişi

Her zaman başlayabilirsiniz

Tüm seviyeler

Ücretsiz deneme dersi

Sanal sınıf veya Stuttgart'ta yüzyüze

Haftada 2 kez, her biri 90 dakika: Ayda 200 €

Ücretsiz deneme dersi için bize e-posta gönderin: info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com


Aprende alemán en un grupo pequeño

Máximo 8 personas Comienza en cualquier momento

Todos los niveles

Clase de prueba gratuita

Aula virtual o en persona en Stuttgart

Ücretsiz deneme dersi

Sanal sınıf veya Stuttgart'ta yüzyüze

2 veces por semana, 90 minutos cada clase: 200 € al mes

Envíanos un correo electrónico para tu clase de prueba gratuita: info.stuttgart@fokussprachen.com

Learn German in a small group – free trial lesson, start any time!

At FOKUS you can learn German in a small group, with the possibility to start at any time. FOKUS Small Groups offer effective language training at an attractive price, and at the same time the chance to meet other learners and make new friends.

FOKUS Small Groups offer effective language training at an attractive price, and at the same time the chance to meet other learners and make new friends. Our groups are limited to 8 participants, giving everyone the chance to learn effectively.

All of our Small Groups are HYBRID: they can be attended in person, online, or a combination of both!

  • Focus on real language you can use
  • 1 or 2 appointments per week
  • Day & evening courses
  • Join any time, try first class for free
  • Leave at the end of any month
  • 2-8 participants: small groups = more speaking time
  • Register and pay only after your trial lesson
  • Attend in person, online, or a combination of both!
  • Contact us by email, phone or in person to book your first, free trial lesson. We are also happy to advise you which group to try.
  • German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Greek, Chinese
Offene Kleingruppen - jederzeit anfangen und zum Ziel kommen!
Check our German small group programme here.
Check our small groups programme for English and other languages here.
Our registration form for Small Groups is here.

Private Mini-Groups: create your own group and enjoy full flexibility

Offene Kleingruppen - jederzeit anfangen und zum Ziel kommen!
  • Learn in a small group (2-6) of family, friends or colleagues with a compatible level
  • Pay as a group: the more members, the cheaper per person
  • In person, online or combination
  • Flexible scheduling
  • We teach what the groups wants to learn
  • Focus on speaking, or the skills YOU need
  • Your own trainer
  • Fast organisation: start this week!