Deutsch für Human Resources

Reach employees with the right message. HR contact persons train exactly the vocabulary they need for successful HR work - from job posting to job interview and induction. Invest in first-class communication to attract top candidates from all over the world and retain them in your company for the long term.

Englisch lernen

Abteilungsspezifische Inhalte für Personalabteilungs-Deutsch

  • Conducting feedback and employee interviews
  • Discuss development plans and further training
  • Explanation of measures for occupational safety and health
  • Describe job profiles, areas of responsibility and qualifications
  • Conduct job interviews and telephone interviews
  • Explain employment contracts, pay slips and collective agreements
  • Onboarding and discussion of training plans
  • Present personnel statistics and employee retention strategies


  • Tailoring the course content to the HR department
  • Specialist training material
  • Supplementing the course content with business communication and intercultural topics
  • Training of realistic action situations


Nur methodisch erstklassig aufbereitete Trainings sichern auch nachhaltigen Erfolg. Daher haben wir die FOKUS-Methode entwickelt. Jedes Training orientiert sich an den 4L Komponenten: Lernen, Leisten, Lachen or Leben. So vermittelt Ihnen das Fachsprachentraining „Deutsch für Human Resources“ genau die Inhalte, die Sie im Berufsalltag brauchen.


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