Deutschsprachkurs Beschwerdemanagement

Your service is first class, the quality is above average - yet complaints cannot be avoided. We provide the know-how to deal professionally with dissatisfied customers. Your employees acquire the necessary technical vocabulary to master the challenge on the phone and by e-mail - and to make use of customer complaints as an opportunity to better your services.

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Abteilungsspezifische Inhalte für Beschwerdemanagement-Deutsch

  • Receive complaints professionally and positively
  • Calming of dissatisfied customers
  • Clarifying customer expectations objectively
  • Assuming responsibility and showing understanding
  • Reacting to objections and misunderstandings
  • Discussing deadlines and clarify urgencies
  • Formulating diplomatically and suggest solutions
  • Summarising the action plan, confirming decisions with binding effect


  • Tailoring the course content to the complaints department
  • Specialist training material
  • Supplementing the course content with business communication and intercultural topics
  • Training of realistic action situations


Nur methodisch erstklassig aufbereitete Trainings sichern auch nachhaltigen Erfolg. Daher haben wir die FOKUS-Methode entwickelt. Jedes Training orientiert sich an den 4L Komponenten: Lernen, Leisten, Lachen or Leben. So vermittelt Ihnen das Fachsprachentraining „Deutsch für Beschwerdemanagement“ genau die Inhalte, die Sie im Berufsalltag brauchen.


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