Technical language course for nurses and caregivers

Helping also means understanding. Working in a hospital or nursing home requires not only medical and psychological know-how, but the appropriate linguistic skills as well. We teach the necessary specialist vocabulary and make your employees fit for professional, empathetic communication with patients - in the outpatient and inpatient sector.

Englisch lernen

Inhalte des branchenspezifischen Sprachkurses „Deutsch für Pflegeberufe“

  • Explain different activities in the nursing profession
  • Describe equipment in nursing homes
  • Mastering the admission and discharge of patients
  • Identify health programmes, prevention and rehabilitation measures
  • Address patients and relatives in a positive and motivating way
  • Communicate professionally with doctors and colleagues
  • Discuss schedules, duty times and handovers
  • Learning of important expressions in public and private health care


  • Tailoring the course content to the nursing staff
  • Specialist training material
  • Supplementing the course content with business communication and intercultural topics
  • Training of realistic action situations


Nur methodisch erstklassig aufbereitete Trainings sichern auch nachhaltigen Erfolg. Daher haben wir die FOKUS-Methode entwickelt. Jedes Training orientiert sich an den 4L Komponenten: Lernen, Leisten, Lachen or Leben. So vermittelt Ihnen das Fachsprachentraining „Deutsch für Pflegeberufe“ genau die Inhalte, die Sie im Berufsalltag brauchen.


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