Maschinenbau-Deutsch – Sprachkurs
Specialised language course for mechanical engineers
One of the most important tools is good communication. In order to be able to confidently discuss technical requirements, describe materials or present test results one requires expertise and excellent language skills. We provide the required vocabulary, so that your employees can master the right technology in the desired foreign language.

Branchenspezifische Inhalte für Maschinenbau-Deutsch
- Present tasks and job profiles in the mechanical engineering sector
- Represent technical functions and processes
- Discuss materials and uses
- Describe complex technical relationships clearly and understandably
- Present design drafts and innovations
- Describe requirements for quality assurance and occupational safety
- Explain technical problems, causes and errors
- Explain test results and suggestions for improvement
- Tailoring of the course contents to mechanical engineering needs
- Specialist training material
- Supplementing the course content with business communication and intercultural topics
- Training of realistic action situations
Nur methodisch erstklassig aufbereitete Trainings sichern auch nachhaltigen Erfolg. Daher haben wir die FOKUS-Methode entwickelt. Jedes Training orientiert sich an den 4L Komponenten: Lernen, Leisten, Lachen or Leben. So vermittelt Ihnen das Fachsprachentraining „Deutsch für die Maschinenbauindustrie“ genau die Inhalte, die Sie im Berufsalltag brauchen.
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