telc B2 Examination in Halle (Saale)

German-language Certification in Halle (Saale)

B1 German-language Certification

  • telc Examination Center: FOKUS Halle (Saale)
  • Offices: Halle-Trotha or Halle-Neustadt
  • Examination Dates: several times a week
  • Examination Times: between 8:30 am – 8:00 pm
  • Examination Elements: Written & Oral Exam on 1 day
  • Registration Deadline: 14 days before the exam
  • Requirement: official identification with photo
  • Results: via e-mail 4 to 6 weeks after the exam

Select a telc examination date in Halle (Saale)

Questions about the telc examinations:

Do you have any questions about the telc examinations?
You will find answers to frequently asked questions here.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are only too happy to help!

Can I book the telc exam without a previous language course?

Yes, you can book all exams without having attended a previous language course with us.

Is the whole telc exam (written and oral) on one day?

Yes, both parts of the examination take place on the same day. We recommend that you reserve the whole day for the examination.

How long does it take to get the exam result?

4-6 weeks after the examination day.

Can I book an Express telc exam?

Unfortunately not. Since August 2021 telc gGmbH has removed this option from its portfolio meaning it is no longer possible to book an express examination with any examination centre, FOKUS Sprachen or otherwise, in Germany. If you’re needing your results as quickly as possible, we recommend you use our online registration tool to find the next available examination date at one of our test centres.

Can I get credit for the oral telc examination I have already passed?

Yes, you can have a passed part of the examination credited. The result of a passed partial examination (written or oral) can be credited to a repeat examination within a certain period of time. The period begins when an examination is first taken and ends on the 31st of December of the following calendar year. However, this does not apply to dual-level examinations, e.g. Deutsch B1-B2 Beruf, Deutsch B1-B2 Pflege, Deutsch B2-C1 Beruf, Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin.

Please let us know at the time of registration whether you would like to have an examination part credited.

What happens if I am sick on the exam date?

If you are ill on the day of the examination, you must inform us immediately and send us a medical certificate (the notification of illness must be signed by a doctor working in Germany). The certificate must be submitted to Fokus Sprachen & Seminare no later than 2 days after the examination day. However, the illness must be reported by e-mail before the examination.

Can I use a dictionary for the telc exam?

No. You are not allowed to use a dictionary or other aids.

Can I retake the telc exam?

Yes, you can repeat the exam as often as you like. If you have only failed the oral exam or only the written exam, you do not have to repeat the whole exam.

How do I prepare for the telc exam?

You can take part in one of our preparation courses. We offer both online and classroom courses.

Here you can find more information about our preparatory courses in Munich

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telc Examinations: Explanation Videos

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